Flights from Riyadh to Gizan

Book a cheap flight from Riyadh to Gizan with flynas today.

With flynas, you can find a flight that perfectly suits your needs.

Want to sit in economy, or business class? Prefer to travel on the weekends? Want to go at the cheapest possible time?

Whatever it is you want – we can help you find it.

All you have to do is fill out your preferences here, and then book your flight.

When Is It Cheapest to Fly from Riyadh to Gizan?

If you want to wait until flights are cheap before making this trip, then March and April are the best months for travel.

You can purchase a seat on your preferred flight for as little as £94.

As Riyadh and Gizan are cities within the same country, the flights are not particularly expensive at any time.

But you can always find the best possible deal when you compare flights with flynas.

How Long Does It Take to Fly from Riyadh to Gizan?

The journey lasts approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes.

There is typically no need for a stopover when making this journey, as the two cities are relatively close to each other.

There are around 602 miles between them.

The return journey is exactly the same at 1 hour and 45 minutes. As these cities are both in Saudi Arabia, there is no time difference to be aware of.

How to Book a Cheap Flight from Riyadh to Gizan?

You can book a cheap flight from Riyadh to Gizan with flynas.

We’ll compare flights being offered from a range of excellent airlines, at a date and time of your choosing, to find you the best and cheapest deal.

Then you can get it booked, and begin planning the rest of your trip.

To get started, click here to go to our booking form.

Or call the flynas contact centre on +966 920001234 (toll free KSA only) or +966 114349000 (for international customers).

Visiting Gizan for the first time? No problem. We have created a Gizan travel guide where you will find all the basic information about this hospitable city.