Istanbul to Riyadh Flights

Istanbul to Riyadh is an easy trip to make with flynas.

There is usually at least one direct flight from Istanbul’s Sabiha Gökçen International Airport to Riyadh per day, which means you can travel on any day of the week.

Travelling with flynas, you are guaranteed a comfortable service that represents value for your money.

Your flight is the first step of your journey – and we always recognize the importance of ensuring you have a fantastic experience.

Before you embark on your trip though, it’s perhaps a good idea to check out our detailed Riyadh travel guide.

Here you’ll find all the information you need to make your stay there worthwhile.

Awaiting you in Riyadh is an exciting Saudi city – so why not book your trip with flynas today?

When is it cheapest to fly from Istanbul to Riyadh?

In order to keep the cost of your flight as minimal as possible, we would always advise booking as far ahead in advance as you possibly can.

The price of flight from Istanbul to Riyadh remains fairly consistent all year round.

However, on average, the flight price is generally cheaper on the whole during the months of February and March – with air fares increasing slightly during the summer months.

How long does it take to fly from Istanbul to Riyadh?

The standard direct flight embarking from Istanbul should usually take around 3 hours and 50 minutes.

The return journey back from Riyadh should generally take no longer than 4 hours and 25 minutes before landing back on Turkish soil.

How to book your cheap flight from Istanbul to Riyadh

Booking your flight from Istanbul to Riyadh is simple with our on-page flight search engine.

The only information you need to enter is the date on which you intend to travel and the date you would like to return to Istanbul, if necessary.

If you’d rather proceed over the phone, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with the flynas contact center on +966 920001234 (toll free KSA only) or +966 114349000 (for international customers).