Flights from Madinah to Dammam

Book a cheap flight from Madinah to Dammam with flynas today.

Our booking form will help you find the most comfortable, affordable flight to your destination.

Whether you want to fly in first class or economy – during the week or on the weekend – we can find the perfect trip for you.

All you need do is go to our booking form, and enter your details.

Then, it’s up to you to choose whichever one you prefer.

When Is It Cheapest to Fly from Madinah to Dammam?

The cheapest times to fly from Madinah to Dammam is October and November.

It is possible to get a ticket – one way, and in economy – for as little as 654 SR.

You will also find that flights are cheaper if you travel on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday – whilst Sunday is the most expensive day of the week.

August is the most expensive month to travel.

How Long Does It Take to Fly from Madinah to Dammam?

It takes approximately 1 hour and 50 minutes to fly from Madinah to Dammam.

This is a direct flight. You will not normally be required to fly to another city for a stopover, before completing the journey to Dammam.

The return journey is a little longer – at around 2 hours and 5 minutes.

You will find a number of airlines that offer flights along this route every day.

How to Book a Cheap Flight from Madinah to Dammam?

Booking a flight – especially a cheap flight – is easy with flynas.

Whether you’re travelling from Madinah to Dammam, or somewhere else entirely.

All you have to do is visit our booking page, fill in your preferences, and we’ll present to you a list of the available choices

Then you can pick the flight that most suits your needs.