Flights from Amman to Riyadh

Book a cheap flight from Amman to Riyadh with flynas today.

Ensure a comfortable trip, for the best possible price, when you book with us.

We’ll find you an amazing deal that suits all your needs.

Want to travel in first class? Or will economy do just fine? Whatever it is you want – we can get it for you.

All you need do is go to our booking form, and enter your details.

>Then you’ll be presented with a list of flight options.

When is it cheapest to fly from Amman to Riyadh?

If you want to travel when tickets are at their most affordable, then April and May are the best options.

Here, a ticket can cost as little as 1,032 SR – one way.

On the other end of the scale, it is most expensive to make this flight in August – when a ticket can cost as much as 1,330 SR.

Whenever you want to travel, our website can help you find the cheapest ticket.

How long does it take to fly from Amman to Riyadh?

It takes approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes to fly from Riyadh to Amman.

The journey is typically made as a direct flight – very rarely will you have a layover at another airport.

There are a number of different airlines that make this trip every day, so you will have plenty of choice when it comes to booking your seat.

How to book your cheap flight from Amman to Riyadh?

It’s easy to make a booking with flynas.

Simply visit our booking form, and enter your details.

The relevant options will then be presented to you – and you can get everything arranged right there and then.

You’ll find that flynas only finds the best flights available – so you can be certain of excellent service.