Kuwait to Riyadh flights

Travelling with flynas is cheap and simple. We’re committed to ensuring you have the perfect experience from booking to boarding the plane.

You can book cheap flights from Kuwait to Riyadh in no time using our simple online booking form.

With a wide range of flights available at low fares, you’ll be on your way before you know it.

Kuwait to Riyadh is one of our most popular international routes - which is why there are multiple direct and indirect flights across the week for you to choose between.

Travelling to a busy capital city like Riyadh is always an exciting experience, so we want to make it as comfortable as we possibly can for you.

We’re proud of our in-flight service, and although Kuwait to Riyadh is one of our shorter international flights (if you fly direct) we can still guarantee that you’ll enjoy a comfortable and enjoyable flight from takeoff to landing.

You can find out more about Riyadh in our dedicated Riyadh Travel Guide. This includes all the technical information you’d need to know about the city - from transport links and attractions to hotels and restaurants.

Book a cheap flight from Kuwait to Riyadh with flynas today.

When is it cheapest to fly from Kuwait to Riyadh?

The price in flight from Kuwait to Riyadh varies throughout the year - but direct flights do tend to be significantly cheaper.

Just bear in mind that these flights sell out much more quickly, so booking as far ahead in advance as you possibly can is advised.

How long does it take to fly from Kuwait to Riyadh?

The direct flight from Kuwait to Riyadh takes around 1 hour 20 minutes.

This is one of the shortest international inbound routes, but if you travel on a non-direct flight the journey can take much longer - especially if it involves changing at another destination.

How to book your cheap flight from Kuwait to Riyadh

Booking your cheap flight online is very straightforward.

Simply enter the following details and you’re good to go:

  • Departure airport
  • Travel dates
  • Number of passengers
  • Discount details (if applicable)

Once you’ve selected the flight that works best for you, the next step is to proceed to the secure booking page where you can secure your tickets.

It’s really that simple.

But, if you do need a helping hand - be sure to contact our customer service team on +966 920001234 (toll free KSA only) or +966 114349000 (for international customers).