Flights from Abha to Riyadh

You can book a cheap internal flight from Abha to Riyadh with flynas.

There are usually over 60 flights out of Abha Regional Airport each week to the Saudi capital – so there are plenty of options to choose from at various departure times.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re travelling for business or pleasure – we can find you a low-cost flight to suit your needs.

If you’re planning on stopping in Riyadh for a while, then you might want to check out our in-depth Riyadh travel guide.

There you can find all the best hotels, restaurants and attractions to visit during your stay.

If it makes you feel inspired, then don’t hesitate to book today!

When is it cheapest to fly from Abha to Riyadh?

As this is a domestic flight, there are no notable elements that influence the price other than how soon you book.

So, if you already have a date in mind but haven’t booked yet – it’s better to do so as soon as possible if you want to keep the cost down.

Generally speaking however, regardless of the time of year, you’re always guaranteed to get a good deal from Abha to Riyadh when you book with flynas. 

How long does it take to fly from Abha to Riyadh?

A direct flight from Abha to Riyadh lasts approximately 1 hour 35 minutes and the return lasts a similar duration.

Depending on the time of day you wish to book, you may have to catch a connecting flight – in which case the journey duration tends to vary in accordance with the layover time.

How to book your cheap flight from Abha to Riyadh?

If you want to book a flight today then you are already on the right page to so.

All we need from you is the dates on which you want to travel including a return flight if necessary.

Alternatively, feel free to get in touch with the Flynas contact centre on +966 920001234 (toll free KSA only) or +966 114349000 (for international customers).