Flights from Bisha to Riyadh

With flynas, you can travel within and beyond the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for great value and comfort.

Our on-page flight search engine is easy to use, and you’ll be able to find a comfortable flight at an ideal time to suit you in a matter of seconds.

There are normally two flights per week out of Bisha to Riyadh. There is a Thursday flight and also a Saturday flight – so you have the option as to whether you fly during the week or at weekend.

Either way, you’re guaranteed an enjoyable flight with high-quality service throughout.

Regardless of whether or not you happen to travel frequently to Riyadh – it’s still worthwhile to take some time to read our comprehensive Riyadh travel guide.

This includes the best attractions local dining spots to try out while you’re there.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re stay in the capital is brief or over the course of a few days, you’ll find plenty of inspiration for things to keep you busy.

So what are you waiting for? Pick a date and book your cheap flight from Bisha to Riyadh today.

When is it cheapest to fly from Bisha to Riyadh?

Since this is a domestic route – seasonality doesn’t play too much of a part with regards to flight cost.

You can also expect to pay the same amount for the Thursday fight as you can for the Saturday flight – so it really doesn’t matter which day you choose to travel on.

To get the cheapest possible price – it’s better to book as far in advance as you possibly can. So, as soon as you know when you intend to travel, make sure you book the flight at the earliest opportunity.

How long does it take to fly from Bisha to Riyadh?

The flight from Bisha to Riyadh is not a direct flight.

You will be in transit over the course of two different flights – with an 8 hour 50-minute-long layover in Abha airport.

The first flight from Bisha to Abha is 40 minutes long, and the second flight from Abha to Riyadh is approximately 1 hour 35 minutes long.

All in all, the entire journey should last around 11 hours 5 minutes in total.

How to book your cheap flight from Bisha to Riyadh?

Booking the flight online is simple.

All you need to do is choose your preferred date to travel and also your preferred return flight (if applicable).

Alternatively, you can book your flight over the phone if you prefer.

Call the flynas contact centre on +966 920001234 (toll free KSA only) or +966 114349000 (for international customers).