Gizan to Riyadh Flights

The route from Gizan to Riyadh is easily made by air when you book with flynas.

In terms of direct flights, there are usually at least three internal flights per day.

Flights departures from Gizan are also well spread out across the day, so you can be flexible about when you wish to fly.

Whichever option you choose – you’re sure to have a comfortable flight and overall hospitable experience courtesy of flynas..

We pride ourselves on our excellent onboard service and affordable air fares on all of our domestic flights, but we still recommend taking a look at our travel guides before settling on a destination.

The Riyadh travel guide tells you everything you need to know about the Saudi capital – including the best places to eat at, the best hotels based on budget, and the various attractions to explore around the city.

Then you can book your cheap flight today.

When is it cheapest to fly from Gizan to Riyadh?

Booking a flight from Gizan to Riyadh is usually better when you book as far in advance as possible.

The air fare for this particular route doesn’t tend to vary too much month to month.

However, it can be more expensive to fly from Gizan to Riyadh from Saturday through to Tuesday.

Flights operating Wednesday through to Friday tends to be slightly cheaper.

How long does it take to fly from Gizan to Riyadh?

A direct flight from Gizan airport to Riyadh should take no more than 1 hour and 45 minutes, whilst the return flight lasts just under a couple of hours.

Flights that include a changeover at other Saudi airports vary depending on other flight times.

How to book your cheap flight from Gizan to Riyadh

You can book your flight today through our on-page flight search engine.

There you can enter all the details we need to help you get your journey off to the perfect start.

This includes your preferred dates and ticket type.

Alternatively, the flynas contact center can process your booking quickly and easily over the phone

on +966 920001234 (toll free KSA only) or +966 114349000 (for international customers).