Dubai to Riyadh flights

Book a cheap flight from Dubai to Riyadh with flynas today.

Our international flights represent great value for money and an excellent level of service.
There are a number of flights available on this route for you to choose from every day. Normally, there are at least four direct flights to Riyadh from early in the morning until late afternoon.
Regardless of the flight you choose, you can expect a first-class service to get your journey off to the perfect start.

Before making your booking, you might want to check out our comprehensive Riyadh travel guide.
The guide includes the best restaurants to eat at, the best hotels to stay at, and the best attractions in and around the city..

Riyadh is just as exciting when traveling on business as it is when traveling for pleasure, so make your booking with flynas today.

When is it cheapest to fly from Dubai to Riyadh?

Air tickets from Dubai to Riyadh are always cheaper months in advance, so if you already have a date in mind – we recommend that you book as soon as you can to get the best possible deal.

However, the price for this particular route remains fairly stable throughout the year – although.

flights operating Sunday to Thursday are considerably less than those operating on weekends.

How long does it take to fly from Dubai to Riyadh?

The flight out of Dubai airport takes around 2 hours and 10 minutes – which is a nice amount of time to enjoy our in-flight service whilst still short enough that you don’t start to feel like you’re on a long-haul. The reverse flight is even shorter – lasting just under 2 hours before touching down back at Dubai airport.

How to book your cheap flight from Dubai to Riyadh

Booking online is simple. Enter your selected dates into our online search engine and we’ll bring up the list of flights for you to choose from.

Alternatively, the flynas contact centre are available to speak over the phone on +966 920001234 (toll free KSA only) or +966 114349000 (for international customers).