Flights from Riyadh to Antakya | flynas

Book a cheap flight from Riyadh to Antakya with flynas.

Enjoy the many wonderful things this multicultural city has to offer, whether you’re visiting on holiday or business.

Flynas can ensure you get there at a time suitable for you. Relax in comfort on a flight with one of the best airlines in the region.

We’ve created this Antakya Travel Guide to help you to discover this beautiful city, rich in culture, history and its surroundings.

To get started, all you have to do is visit our booking form.

When Is It Cheapest to Fly from Riyadh to Antakya?

Like all travel routes, there are peak times, and there are off-peak times.

Sometimes the date you need to travel is not flexible, and so you simply pay whatever you have to.

But if you want to fly at the cheapest time, then January and February are the best options.

On the other hand, these flights can get quite expensive in the summer – especially in June and July.

How Long Does It Take to Fly from Riyadh to Antakya?

It takes approximately 4 hours to fly from Riyadh to Antakya.

This is not a particularly popular route – you may only see one of these flights on any given day.

But it is possible to take a connecting flight, where you’ll stop in another city. This will take longer, however, (approximately 7 hours and 30 minutes).

The return journey is very slightly longer, at approximately 4 hours and 5 minutes.

How to Book a Cheap Flight from Riyadh to Antakya?

Booking a flight for an affordable price is easy with flynas.

Our booking form allows you to find a variety of different flight options, with some of the region’s top airlines, so you can compare and choose the one most suitable for you.

Get started now, and you could be on a flight to Antakya as soon as today!