Flights from Khartoum to Riyadh

Book a cheap flight from Khartoum to Riyadh today.

Riyadh is a fantastic city, filled with lots of things to do and incredible places to visit.

And you can get there in style and comfort when you book with flynas.

Our booking form can help you find the perfect flight. One that meets all your needs.

Whether you want to fly in the week or on a weekend, in economy or business class, we can help you find what you’re looking for.

Before you go, check out our Riyadh Travel Guide where you will find the very best local attractions, restaurants and hotels.

When Is It Cheapest to Fly from Khartoum to Riyadh?

The cheapest month to fly from Khartoum to Riyadh in is November, where fares are significantly smaller than average.

October is also a good time to go. If you really want to avoid the most expensive times, stay away from June and August.

In terms of what day you should travel on – avoid Monday. Prices then are a lot higher than they normally are.

The best day is Wednesday, but Tuesday through Saturday is generally quite affordable.

How Long Does It Take to Fly from Khartoum to Riyadh?

It takes approximately 2 hours and 55 minutes to fly from Khartoum to Riyadh.

Usually, there will be a couple of different airlines making this journey every day, so you’ll have one or two different options to choose from.

Be aware there is a one hour time difference between the two cities, with Riyadh ahead of Khartoum.

For the return journey, the flight is a little shorter at approximately 2 hours and 35 minutes.

How to Book a Cheap Flight from Khartoum to Riyadh?

You can easily get a cheap flight for this journey.

All you need is flynas. Click here to go to our booking form, and fill out your preferences.

We’ll find you a number of different options, and you can choose the one you like the most.