Khartoum to Jeddah | flynas

Khartoum to Jeddah Flights

flynas offers travellers value for money flights to a number of popular Middle East destinations. We guarantee easy flight bookings and superior customer service.

flynas has daily flights from Khartoum to Jeddah. Monday and Tuesday offers five flights per day, Wednesday and Sunday offers three flights per day and Thursday, Friday and Saturday offers four flights per day. There are both non-stop flights and in-direct flight with with one stop-off available.

If you’re looking for flights to Saudia Arabia’s oldest city, then flynas can help you. Jeddah is a must-see destination for visitors. It has been a thriving port city for hundreds of years, so is filled with rich culture and history.

Visit some of the cafes and restaurants for superb local cuisine, located in either the trendy new suburbs or the historical old neighbourhoods.

If you’re an art lover, then you are in luck. Jeddah has an impressive art scene where you can visit spots, like the Athr Gallery, which specialises in contemporary art.

The new Jeddah Waterfront is also a must-see if you love the ocean. This attraction includes parks, resorts and mosques. While you’re there, take in the Al-Shallal Theme Park, which is located directly on the Red Sea and very popular with both foreign and local visitors.

Book a cheap flight to Jeddah today.

When is it cheapest to fly from Khartoum to Jeddah?

The flight costs do not vary much on this route. However, flynas advises that you book your flights well in advance in order to get the best possible deals.

How long does it take to fly from Khartoum to Jeddah?

The shortest direct, non-stop flight from Khartoum to Jeddah takes 1 hour, 50 minutes. The in-direct flights with one stop-off vary between 8 hours to 10 hours, depending on which flight you choose to take.

How to book your cheap flight from Khartoum to Jeddah

Booking a flight with flynas is so easy. Just provide your travel details on the website and you will be able to view all the available flights that meet your travel requirements. We will need information like:

  • Your departure airport
  • Your destination
  • The dates you wish to travel
  • Number of passengers
  • Details of any special discounts

Proceed to the booking’s page to secure your tickets.

As flynas we’re committed to providing service excellence for all our valued travellers.

Our dedicated customer service team is available 24/7 to assist you with all your queries or if you’d like to make your booking telephonically. Contact our customer service office on +966 920001234 (toll free KSA only) or +966 114349000 (for international customers).