Jeddah to Tabuk flights

Fly with flynas for a cheap flight with all the comfort and convenience included.

We provide a couple of daily flights from Jeddah to Tabuk, so all you need to do is decide what time would be best for you to travel.

Choose between either a 7.50am departure and land in plenty of time to find a venue for an early lunch, or the evening flight at 19.00pm. The later flight is a great choice if you prefer to have a fairly normal day and then land at a reasonable time, so you can get to your accommodation and relax before bed.

We do also offer a couple of other options if you’re happy not flying direct – just bear in mind there’ll be a stop-off included in your travel time.

Whichever way you choose to do it; you can rest assured that you will travel in a relaxed atmosphere. Our flynas commitment is that your needs always come first.

With archaeological sites, stunning mountain backdrops and beautiful hotels, you’ll be spoilt for choice in Tabuk. So, take a look at our Tabuk travel guide to help navigate through the highlights.

It has everything there that you need to know, from where to stay, what to see and all of the main events.

This beautiful location right on the Red Sea has everything to offer, so you will want to make sure you don’t miss anything out.

Book a cheap flight to Tabuk today.

When is it cheapest to fly from Jeddah to Tabuk?

Flights on this route tend to stay at the same price throughout the year, so you don’t need to worry about timings. Just make sure you book in plenty of time.

It’s probably best to book as soon as you know which dates you’re looking at, as this will help you get the lowest price on offer.

How long does it take to fly from Jeddah to Tabuk?

The flight from Jeddah to Tabuk is just 1 hour and 30 minutes.

How to book your cheap flight from Jeddah to Tabuk

It couldn’t be easier to buy a flight online with flynas for your trip.

Simply choose which dates you want to travel on and then decide whether you want to go economy or business class.

Whichever you choose, you’ll be given an excellent level of service. Don’t worry if you change your mind either, the options are shown with easily movable dates and choices, so you can just change them and start over.

Otherwise, if you prefer, you can speak to a flynas member of staff on +966 920001234 (toll free KSA only) or +966 114349000 (for international customers).