Flights from Gizan to Dammam

Book a cheap flight from Gizan to Dammam with flynas.

Experience the wonderful city of Dammam as soon as today. Visit its many attractions, eat at its delicious restaurants, and enjoy the culture found in this marvellous place.

All you have to do to get a cheap flight from Gizan is visit our booking form.

Let us know what your preferences are, and we’ll find you a few different options from some of the top airlines in the MENA region.

When Is It Cheapest to Fly from Gizan to Dammam?

As with all travel routes, some are more expensive at certain times of the year.

If you’re looking to avoid these moments, then try not to travel in June, July and December.

The cheapest time to fly would be October, November and February. August and September are quite reasonable too.

Prices can also fluctuate depending on the day of the week it is. Thursday, Friday, Sunday and Monday are considered to be the cheapest.

However, you will have to pay more on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday.

How Long Does It Take to Fly from Gizan to Dammam?

It takes approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes to fly from Gizan to Dammam.

There is typically at least one flight that will make this trip every day, so you won’t have to wait long if you want to make a last minute booking.

Some airlines fly this route on a daily basis.

The return journey is very slightly longer, at approximately 2 hours and 25 minutes.

How to Book a Cheap Flight from Gizan to Dammam

Book a cheap flight to Dammam is easy – especially when you do it with flynas.

Our booking form will get you exactly what you need. Just tell us your preferences, and we’ll find you the perfect flight.

Discover the exciting new opportunities for affordable travel by visiting our Dammam Travel Guide.