Dammam to Hail | flynas

It’s easy to fly from Dammam to Hail with flynas.

With a quick on-site search, you’ll be able to browse through a range of cheap flights departing throughout the week.

There are typically three direct flights making this journey every week, however there are also a number of non-direct options available at different times.

Regardless, it’s easy to find a flight that best meets your needs when you book with us. Not only do we pride ourselves on our wide range of availability, we also provide an excellent on-board service which enables you to enjoy your journey in comfort and style.

If you have never travelled to Hail before, then it might be worth taking a look at our essential Hail travel guide.

From eating out, to hotels and attractions – you can get a slightly better idea of what to expect before you book your flight.

It doesn’t matter whether your stay in Hail is for business or leisure, when you book with flynas – you’re sure to have an enjoyable flight.

So, why not start your journey with us today?

When is it cheapest to fly from Dammam to Hail?

The price for domestic flights doesn’t vary much throughout the year across both economy and business class seats.

You’ll probably find that the direct routes are slightly more expensive than the non-direct flights, but either way – the sooner you book, the less the air fare is likely to be.

How long does it take to fly from Dammam to Hail?

The direct flight from Dammam to Hail takes around 1 hour 45 minutes.

The other available non direct flights will usually take longer if you need to stop off for a certain amount of time in another domestic airport while you wait for your connecting flight.

Some wait can be especially long – so you’ll need to bear this in mind if you intend on booking a flight at a time or day where only non-direct routes are available.

How to book your cheap flight from Dammam to Hail

It’s easy to book online, or even over the phone if you prefer.

Simply search for the route, select your dates, and then decide which flight works best for you on that date. Then you can start the online booking process.

Alternatively, call the flynas contact centre on +966 920001234 (toll free KSA only) or +966 114349000 (for international customers).