Dammam to Gizan flights

If you’re looking to travel form Dammam to Gizan – flynas is the perfect place to start.

It’s easy to book a flight online with us. Simply select your route, chosen dates, and browse through a range of cheap flight options.

There are usually at least two direct flights departing from Dammam to Gizan every day, and you can typically choose to embark early afternoon, late afternoon or at night time depending on what works best for you.

We pride ourselves on consistency across all of our flights – so you can expect a comfortable and enjoyable flight experience irrespective of the date or time you choose to travel with flynas.

Before you book though, why not take a look at our Gizan travel guide?

It doesn’t matter whether your familiar with the city, or simply a newcomer – you’re bound to find out plenty of useful information ahead of your stay there.

From the best hotels and attractions to the best places to eat, it’s the ultimate reference point to start from – so have a read and book yourself on a cheap flight to Gizan today.

When is it cheapest to fly from Dammam to Gizan?

The air fare from Dammam to Gizan remains fairly consistent all year round.

That being said, it is generally slightly cheaper to travel through the week as opposed to traveling at weekends.

If you’re especially conscious of keeping costs to a minimum – some non-direct flights are often cheap options provided you’re in no rush to reach your destination quickly.

How long does it take to fly from Dammam to Gizan?

The route from Dammam to Gizan is actually one of the longest internal flights you can take in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

After taking off, it usually takes around 2 hours and 25 minutes before landing on the tarmac at Gizan regional airport.

For non-direct flights on the Dammam to Gizan route, the overall journey duration depends on where your stop over is and for how long you need to wait to catch your connecting flight.

How to book your cheap flight from Dammam to Gizan

With flynas, the online booking process is very simple.

Select your date and choose the flight time most suitable for you. You don’t have to make the booking online either. You can also get in touch with the flynas contact centre on +966 920001234 (toll free KSA only) or +966 114349000 (for international customers).