Flights from Abha to Sharurah

Sharurah is very much a quiet town to travel to, however it is known for being the home of the world’s largest contiguous sand desert - Rub’ al Khali. We are sure you will be able to spot this on descent to the airport.

The desert dunes are also popular to explore, so you may want to add this to your itinerary whilst away. And when it comes to planning your travel to Sharurah, it could not be easier with flynas.

Our online booking form makes the process simple, allowing you to compare a range of flights from popular airlines.

This way you are guaranteed to find travel arrangements that are right for you.

When Is It Cheapest to Fly from Abha to Sharurah?

The cheapest month to travel is in September, but please bear in mind this insight can change year on year. Direct flights run daily, meaning you have real flexibility for what day in the week you travel. 

It is cheaper to fly midweek however, as ticket prices for weekend flights tend to be more expensive.

Ticket prices do fluctuate month on month however, so it is worth checking this closer to the time of booking, as you may find there isn’t much price difference at all.

How Long Does It Take to Fly from Abha to Sharurah?

A direct flight from Abha to Sharurah takes approximately 1 hour 35 minutes. Again, with flights running daily you have that added level of convenience when it comes to choosing your travel. Only two airlines offer these direct flights, with flynas being one of those. 

The fixed flight times tend to be in the morning, meaning you can arrive into Sharurah at a convenient time, allowing you to start exploring the town straight away. 

The return journey is slightly quicker taking 1 hour 30 minutes.

How to Book a Cheap Flight from Abha to Sharurah

When the time arrives to book your flight to Sharurah, make sure you head to the flynas booking form to compare a range of flights. Simply fill out your requirements to be shown all of your flight options and prices. 

And if you’d like any more travel guidance just visit our travel guide page. This should help provide you with further inspiration for your trip.