Flights from Abha to Gizan

Gizan is very much a friendly place to visit, so you shouldn’t be disappointed when planning your travels here.

Booking your flight also couldn’t be easier when you choose flynas. The online booking form allows you to compare a range of route options from a variety of popular airlines. 

And when you need some inspiration for places to stay and restaurants to visit, we have our Gizan Travel Guide at hand to make the process a little easier.

When Is It Cheapest to Fly from Abha to Gizan?

When choosing to fly to Gizan you’ll be glad to know flights run from Abha daily. However direct flights only operate on a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, so it is worth considering this when you come to plan your trip.

The cheapest days to travel direct are Tuesday and Thursday, which is no surprise considering this is midweek. The increased price for the weekend flight is not to drastic however.

Months out of the summer season tend to be cheaper to travel, in particular October. It’s worth bearing in mind however, that flight prices fluctuate year on year.

How Long Does It Take to Fly from Abha to Gizan?

A direct flight from Abha to Gizan takes less than an hour, at only 45 minutes. And when it comes to returning, the flight duration is exactly the same as going.

Indirect flights however take much longer, with popular connecting destinations being Jeddah and Dammam. You should therefore consider this when deciding on your flight options.

How to Book a Cheap Flight from Abha to Gizan

When it’s time to book your flight why not look on flynas. The process could not be simpler. All you need to do is fill out your requirements on the online booking form to start comparing your options.

As flynas offer routes from a variety of popular airlines, you are sure to find a convenient flight.