Flights from Abha to Bisha

Booking flights from Abha to Bisha is simple when you choose to plan your travel with flynas.

Known for its agriculture, Bisha is a great place to explore if you like to be outdoors, as its beauty is very much seen in the mountains and valleys which encompass this town.

Take the time to plan your trip by booking online at flynas.

Offering a real variety of flights from some of the most popular airlines in the region, it’s likely you’ll find a flight to suit your requirements.

When Is It Cheapest to Fly from Abha to Bisha?

Direct flights to Bisha depart from Abha airport twice a week, which means the cost of a direct flight tends not to fluctuate month on month.

In-direct flights however are likely to change in price, and this will very much depend on the popularity of the connecting location and the time of year.

Planning in advance will therefore help ensure you find a flight which is in your price range.

How Long Does It Take to Fly from Abha to Bisha?

A direct flight from Abha to Bisha takes approximately 50 minutes, allowing you to arrive in under an hour.

The return flight is even shorter in duration, and takes only 40 minutes.

Flying to Bisha from Abha direct however is pretty limited, with flights departing twice a week on both a Thursday and Sunday. 

Alternatively, you could choose to fly via another location which could include stopping over in either Riyadh or Jeddah. However, the flight duration is likely to be over 4 hours due to the time taken to wait for your connection.

How to Book a Cheap Flight from Abha to Bisha

When it’s time to book your flight to Bisha, take a look at flynas.

With a variety of cheap flights available from popular airlines, booking your travel is simple.

Fill out your requirements on the online booking form, and get your travel planned today!