Dammam to Madinah | flynas

You can book a cheap domestic flight in minutes with flynas.

Simply search for flights from Dammam to Madinah and you’ll see that there are a number of options to choose from.

There is usually at least one direct flight from Dammam to Madinah every day – so you can be flexible about the date you choose to travel on.

Once you’ve booked, you can look forward to a comfortable and relaxing flight. We pride ourselves on providing a fantastic in-flight service, so you can get your journey started the right way.

In the meantime, it’s definitely worth reading our comprehensive Madinah travel guide.

From hotels restaurants and attractions to information on the local weather – you’ll find a variety of useful pointers that will be good to know ahead of your arrival.

With a number of cheap business class and economy seats available, you’ll be able to reserve your booking in no time.

Book a cheap flight with us today.

When is it cheapest to fly from Dammam to Madinah?

It’s usually cheaper to fly from Dammam to Madinah through the week. Weekends tend to be mildly more expensive – so if you want to keep the cost to a minimum then it might be best to look at flights operating Sunday to Thursday.

You might find that some of the non-direct routes are cheaper also.

How long does it take to fly from Dammam to Madinah?

This depends entirely whether you book on a direct flight, or on a flight that requires a stop-off at another airport.

The direct route from Dammam to Madinah takes 2 hours 10 minutes’ maximum.

The non-direct routes often mean that you’ll need to pick up your connecting flight in Riyadh, Jeddah or even a different Saudi airport depending on which day you choose to fly.

Either way, when you fly direct or non-direct – we make sure you arrive at your destination on time in an enjoyable and convenient fashion.

How to book your cheap flight from Dammam to Madinah?

You can reserve your seats online quickly and easily.

All you need to do is search for the flights and select your required dates.

Alternatively, give the flynas contact centre a call on +966 920001234 (toll free KSA only) or +966 114349000 (for international customers).