Flights from Abha to Wadi Al Dawasir

Wadi Al Dawasir is a town located in the Riyadh province, located 330 miles from the capital city. Enjoy the outdoors whilst you are there, as you take in the surroundings of this town.

When planning your travel to Wadi Al Dawasir, be sure to consider flynas when booking your travel.

The simple online booking form shows you all the available routes and flight times; and with a range of popular airlines, you will be able to secure air travel that’s convenient for you.

When Is It Cheapest to Fly from Abha to Wadi Al Dawasir?

You’ll be glad to know that flight prices don’t tend to vary by day, so it’s an easier decision to make when picking what day to fly. Advanced planning may help ensure you secure the best price for your flight.

Non-stop flights have set days and depart from Abha on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. 

The set return days are the same, so it’s worth noting that a one night stay in Wadi Al Dawasir may be trickier to plan, and come at a greater cost.

How Long Does It Take to Fly from Abha to Wadi Al Dawasir?

The distance between the two airports is around 454km, which in flight time, means you can get to Wadi Al Dawasir in just 1 hour. flynas are the only airline that fly direct to Wadi Al Dawasir, and the flights tend to go in the evening each day. 

Airlines that offer indirect flights can often have a minimum layover time of 4 hours, so it’s worth factoring this in if you are considering flying on an alternate day.

The return flight is only marginally longer at 1 hour 5 minutes, meaning you will be back in Abha in no time.

How to Book a Cheap Flight from Abha to Wadi Al Dawasir

When it’s time to book your flight, flynas is on hand to make sure you can secure travel which suits your needs.

The simple online booking form lets you compare flights from a range of popular airlines.

There’s also a whole host of resources on site to help ensure you are fully prepared for your trip. So feel free to have a read of our travel guides to get further inspiration for your travels.